Tim Pohlmann is the CEO and founder of IPlytics. He earned his doctoral degree in economics with the highest distinction from the Berlin Institute of Technology and worked as a post-doctoral researcher at CERNA, MINES ParisTech. Dr. Pohlmann founded IPlytics with the vision to overcome friction and complexity in data-led decisions in industries where standards and patents matter by being the transparent, accessible source of wisdom for all IP professionals.
Dr. Pohlmann is an established expert and has been actively involved in preparing empirical studies for the European Commission, the WIPO and the German government on topics such as SEP determination, the dynamics of standards development, patent pools and FRAND determination. Dr. Pohlmann is recognized as an industry thought leader, panel speaker and adjunct lecturer. He is also the author of several peer-reviewed economist journal articles, and over 50 articles published at IAM Magazine, Managing IP and IPWatchdog.