George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School

UC Hastings’ Evergreen Drug Patent Search Database: A Look Behind the Statistics Reveals Problems with this Approach to Identifying and Quantifying So-Called “Evergreening”

Professor Robin Feldman’s reply to this post, and our response, can be read read here.

pharmaceuticalsThe Center for Innovation, housed at the University of California Hastings College of the Law, has created an Evergreen Drug Patent Search Database (the “Evergreening Database,” or “Database”). Read more

Professors Erika Lietzan and Kristina Acri on “Distorted Drug Patents”

The following post comes from Austin Shaffer, a 2L at Scalia Law and a Research Assistant at CPIP.

pharmaceuticalsBy Austin Shaffer

In their new paper, Distorted Drug Patents, CPIP Senior Scholar Erika Lietzan of Mizzou Law and Kristina Acri of Colorado College explore a paradox in our patent system: Innovators are less motivated to work on drugs that take more time to develop as drug research incentives are being skewed away from the harder problems (e.g. Read more